"My seminary teacher said that whenever the Old/New Testament references "Lord" or "Father", they're actually talking about Jesus Christ. This kind of blew my mind. He said whenever we pray, we praying to God, and Jesus is like the messenger to God because we aren't to be in God's presence. I've been thinking on this topic all weekend and I'm going to talk to my seminary teacher tomorrow."
This also means that Moses saw Christ in the burning bush, not heavenly father. He explained it by saying that most visitations are through Christ, when I'd always thought it was through heavenly father. He explained as Jesus being our God, and that most everything is done through Jesus Christ, and God is just kind of a supervisor. (most) All actions were done through Christ, except for combining intelligences and spirit in the Premortal World. Well, I'm going to go have one of those really deep conversations with my seminary teacher tomorrow and hopefully I'll organize my thoughts a little more.