Thursday, December 2, 2010

School lunch is DISGUISTING

    I don't know if there is anything worse than school lunch.  It looks like poop, tastes like poop, and smells like poop.  Mrs. McNaughton even agrees.  She just walked by and told me herself.  She said that when her husband was in seventh grade he threw a piece of cheese on the cafeteria ceiling.  Later, when he was in ninth grade that same piece of cheese was still there, proving the plastic cheapness of itself.
     How I think school lunch is made:
     First, they go to the dumpster and find anything that's not metal (mainly plastic) and grab it for there "food".  Second, they divide them into color groups so they put them together to make it look like certain foods.  Then they arrange the garbage into things that look like food by adding together plastic of different colors.  Next, they put there "food" in the oven for 20 minutes in order to make it somewhat hot.  Then they serve it as if nothing happened.  You'll also occasionally find a hair in your lunch, compliments of the chef.

I wish I had a dog.

       Man I wish I had a dog.  There are so many people I know who have dogs who love them.  Of course if I had one I'd want an inside dog.  I've heard people are a lot more connected to there dogs if they're around them throughout there daily life.  I know a dog would be like having another brother or sister but I think I could handle the responsibility.  You can play things like catch and tug a war with a dog unlike a cat.  Dogs would be your best friend and be there would no one else is.
      Why have a dog over a cat?  I'll tell you. Dogs are always active(except when they are old), and never lose energy.  My friend Jackson just got a 6 month old dog.  When I walked into his house his dog had run 3 circles around me before I walked 2 feet.  If that's not energy then I don't know what is.  Cat's on the other hand just sit around and sunbathe waiting for there next meal.  They only care about themselves and shed a ton of hair.  I'm also allergic to cats.  They make my eyes itch and make me feel like I have a cold.  A dog will go outside and play with you until you're tired, not them. I love dogs and want one more than anything else in the world.  If I were offered a dog or a million dollars, I'd want a dog.:)