Thursday, December 2, 2010

I wish I had a dog.

       Man I wish I had a dog.  There are so many people I know who have dogs who love them.  Of course if I had one I'd want an inside dog.  I've heard people are a lot more connected to there dogs if they're around them throughout there daily life.  I know a dog would be like having another brother or sister but I think I could handle the responsibility.  You can play things like catch and tug a war with a dog unlike a cat.  Dogs would be your best friend and be there would no one else is.
      Why have a dog over a cat?  I'll tell you. Dogs are always active(except when they are old), and never lose energy.  My friend Jackson just got a 6 month old dog.  When I walked into his house his dog had run 3 circles around me before I walked 2 feet.  If that's not energy then I don't know what is.  Cat's on the other hand just sit around and sunbathe waiting for there next meal.  They only care about themselves and shed a ton of hair.  I'm also allergic to cats.  They make my eyes itch and make me feel like I have a cold.  A dog will go outside and play with you until you're tired, not them. I love dogs and want one more than anything else in the world.  If I were offered a dog or a million dollars, I'd want a dog.:)

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